Implementing the SD School Counseling Model
Ended May 13, 2024
15 points
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Full course description
Topic: Implementing the SD School Counseling Model
Date: January 15, 2024 - May 13, 2024
Location: Virtually (Zoom) with coursework through Canvas
Intended Audience: School counselors
Description: The South Dakota Department of Education recently published the 5th edition of the South Dakota Comprehensive School Counseling Program Model. Author of the model and instructor for the workshop, Dr. Kelly Duncan, will lead participants through an introduction for participants to the model and create space for creation of the model components individualized to each participant's work setting. The final outcome of the workshop will be a draft model that can be implemented for the 2024-25 school year.
By participating in this workshop, participants will be able to:
1. Examine their current school counseling program and revamp it utilizing the 5th edition model components.
2. Identify student needs and utilize data to guide the selection of activities, strategies, and services to ensure that students achieve the necessary skills needed as they prepare for the future.
3. Learn to acquire and analyze data to demonstrate the impact of their school counseling programs on student achievement.
4. Update and/or finalize a draft of their school's School Counseling Program based on the 5th edition of the SD Model.
Continuing Education Offered: 15 Contuining Education Contact Hours (CECHs) or 1 graduate credit through USF at $45. Register and pay for the graduate credit at