Full course description
In this course, you will find modules that take a closer look at specific topics that relate to Title Programs outlined under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965, most recently reauthorized as the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). The topics are related to the sections within the law and follow the Title Programs Technical Support Handbook.
This course does not replace the Title Programs Technical Support Handbook, but rather provides additional information around the implementation of the Title Program requirements.
New self-paced modules will be released periodically so make sure to check back often.
Examples of modules included:
- Common responsibilities when operating a Title I Program (What to do and When)
- Title I Reporting and Notification Requirements- How to effectively communicate required information.
- English Learners
- and much more to come!
If you have questions, please contact the Title Programs Office at 605.773.3134.