Logo for Intro to SDSL Electronic Resources for Librarians

Introduction to SDSL Electronic Resources for Librarians

5 points


Full course description

Welcome to this introductory course about SDSL's Electronic Resources!

This self-paced course is designed for public, school, and academic librarians as an introduction to the electronic resources provided by the South Dakota State Library. Participants will discover the SDSL Electronic Resources and learn how to incorporate them at their institutions.

It is being offered for 5 CECH (Continuing Education Contact Hours).

*January 1, 2025, there will be one self-paced Intro to SDSL Electronic Resources course for both state employees and librarians. Content will be updated for the 2025 course. Registration for current, 2024 self-paced courses will end on September 1st. Students must complete their 2024 self-paced Electronic Resources courses by October 31st. 

Contact Information

Kim Bonen at kim.bonen@state.sd.us

Course goals

By the end of this course, the student will be able to:

  • Identify the SDSL databases
  • Find and access the SDSL databases
  • Locate technical help, training, and marketing resources for the SDSL databases
  • Perform basic troubleshooting to solve database access issues
  • Compare and contrast the SDSL databases 
  • Determine which subject categories a SDSL database fits into
  • Discuss the advantages of using a SDSL database subscription
  • Demonstrate how to access the SDSL databases

Course expectations

Students may work at their own pace to complete assignments. The instructor will check in to see how you are doing and may nudge you along if you have been inactive for an extended period of time. Each student will choose their own personalized final project from a variety of options. 


This course will involve communicating in an online setting. Please be professional and courteous at all times when interacting with others in the class. The instructor may withdraw the student from the class due to disruptive behavior, lack of prerequisites, or academic dishonesty 


  • All students must have devices and high-speed Internet access
  • Students must complete and submit all assignments.

Final Course Project Information

COURSE PROJECT: Electronic Resource(s) in Your Library

*This project should not be started until after completing the rest of the coursework for Modules 1 -3. 


Students will complete a project that incorporates one or more of SDSL's Electronic Resources.


Using your preferred format, create a program that incorporates one or more of SDSL's Electronic Resources. Be sure to choose an electronic resource and project that you can actually share/use in your library. You want this project to be applicable! Choose which project you would like to complete from the following options:

Option A) Programming

Description: Create a library program that features one or more the the SDSL database subscriptions. Examples:

  • Physical & digital displays
  • Active programming, Outreach
  • Supplement to existing program

Option B) Training

Description: Create a training event, or material for your students, patrons, or staff. Examples:

  • Lesson plan/class
  • Instructional video
  • Resource guide/bookmark/flyer

Option C) Advocacy

Description: Create an action plan to share the SDSL electronic resources with your community stakeholders, that includes an "elevator speech"; The plan should include:

  • The Intended Audience (library board/foundation, council members, community
  • leaders, etc..)
  • The Method of Action (training, board meeting, program/event, email, etc...)
  • The Project Timeline 
  • The Elevator SpeechLinks to an external site. (BUT, instead of selling yourself - sell the SDSL electronic resources!)

Option D) Continuing Ed

Description: Create an action plan for how you will to continue learning about the SDSL Electronic resources, and explain why this is important. You should address the following in your plan:

  • What trainings will you attend?
  • What resources are on your radar to learn about?
  • Any listservs you will sign up for?
  • How are you going to keep

Sign up for this course today!
